Veteran ABC News correspondent was 71

Elizabeth Nissenan experienced ABC News The reporter died in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on January 7, three days after his birthday. She was 71 years old.

Nissen’s death was first reported and confirmed by ABC NewsHowever, the cause of death was not revealed.

During his long and respected career in broadcast journalism as a correspondent covering news, war, sports, science and the arts, Nissen worked for CNN and the public television network WGBH. He also worked in print media with The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek.

While working at ABC, some of his top coverage was on “Nightline” and “World News Tonight.” In particular, he is remembered for that evening’s “World News Tonight” coverage. Princess Diana Died in 1997.

Nissen was also the co-founder and senior producer of NBC LearnWhich provides educational video resources for students and teachers.

Nissen’s obituary reads That “As a lifelong reader, learner, and teacher, Beth was passionate about communicating information in a relevant way. She prepared her students to become critical thinkers, and helped teachers improve methods and techniques for more effective instruction. Helped to create.

His obituary remembered him for “his wit, his knowledge, his compassion and the nurturing of friendships through extensive personal correspondence”. The obituary also described her as a caregiver who was an active member of her local Rotary Club and “The Adelphis” group at the First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor.

Nissen has five siblings and was the aunt of nine nieces and nephews. At this time, per Nissen’s request, no memorial service is planned.

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