Freelancing Offer your skills on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Services like writing, design, and programming are in high demand.

Affiliate Marketing Promote products and earn commissions. Join programs like Amazon Associates or ShareASale to get started.

Online Courses If you're an expert in a field, create and sell courses on sites like Udemy or Teachable.

Blogging Start a blog and monetize through ads, sponsored content, or affiliate links. Focus on a niche to build an audience.

Dropshipping Run an online store without holding inventory. Use platforms like Shopify and work with suppliers to ship directly to customers.

YouTube Channel Create engaging content and earn from ads, sponsorships, or fan support. Pick a niche that interests you, like gaming, tech, or lifestyle.

Stock Photography If you're into photography, sell your images on platforms like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.

Virtual Assistant Help businesses with administrative tasks online. Sign up on platforms like Zirtual or Belay to get started.

Investing in Stocks or Cryptocurrency Use platforms like Robinhood or Binance to invest and trade. Remember, this method comes with higher risks.

We All Want Wanda : Scarlet Witch’s Future in the MCU