Sundans horror breakout ‘The Agli Stepister’ sells almost worldwide

Sale of heaven city (Memento International to Rebrand) is closed More deals for “ugly step brother”, Emily Bluechfelt’s Cinderella-inspired horror film which premiered Sundons And became one of the best titles of the festival.

The first North America, the UK and Australia/New Zealand were acquired in a fleet of areas with the shodder, “Ugly step sister“Was acquired for Benellux and Türkiye (Mubi),
Italy (I Wonder Pictures), Greece (The Film Group), X-Yugoslavia (Discovery Films), Czech Republic and Slovakia (Bionot / Zero Gravity), Ukraine (Swakino), Bulgaria (beta film), South Korea (Happy Song),
Taiwan (Filmware International), Singapore (Shaw Organization), Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos (Est N8) and Africa (what Nayak wants). Paradise City Sales, whose team is headed by Alexandre Moro, is in talks to close the Middle East and India.

The “ugly step sister” follows Elvira as she prepares to earn the prince’s affection at any cost. In a state where beauty is a cruel business, the alvera will compete with beautiful and enchanting agnes to become balls of the ball. Lee Myren, Thia Sophie’s elasticity NAS and AE Dahl Torp Star.

Mer film and Scanbox will release it in Scandinavia. The sales of Paradise City have also now given it ESC Films (France), Caplight (Germany and Austria), Beta Films (Spain), Lev Cinema (Israel), Advertising (Hungary), KE Films (Romania), Cine Canable (Latin America), New Select (Japan), PT Falcon, Astin, Astin, Astin, Astin, Pt Falcon, Astrin), PT Falcon, PT Falcon, Astin), PT Falcon, PT Falcon, Part Fals (Portugal). Negotiations are allegedly going on in Italy, Greece and Ukraine.

“The Agli Stepister” has been produced by Maria Ekarhov in Norway for the Mer film (“The Innocents,” “War Seller,” Jocheim Trear’s upcoming facility “Santimental Value”). It is co-produced by Lizet Jonjik for Zentropa Sweden (“Another round”), Poland’s Lava Films (“The Girl with the Needle,” “Sweat”) for Maria’s Volodarski, Denmark’s motor (“The Dead Do not Heart”), Zafir and the film I waste. With the support of Norwegian Film Institute, Polish Production Incentive and The Polish Film Institute, The Swedish Film Institute, The Danish Film Institute, Urime, DR, Nordisk Film and Nordisk Film and TV Fond.

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