‘Sex,’ Love ‘and’ Dreams’ trillion ends

Norwegian director Dan Johan Hazerud Has completed his trilogy with “Dreams Love” presented in the main competition of Berlinley. Its previous parts, “sex” and “love”, were shown in the panorama and venice of Berlinley. M-popular Handles sales.

“It’s great, it is over. It has been a long period. It was not difficult to make these three films – releasing them so soon, “Houserud said laughing. Accepting the journey should not actually end up with “dreams”.

“In Norway, this’ sex,” dreams, “love is.” Love is the conclusion, “he says.

“I felt that it was interesting to visit a couple first who has been together for many years, then go back to first love, and eventually talk about what love can happen if it is equally about taking care and responsibility It is as much as it is romantic. Various orders in It is being released in Italy, ‘then’ love ‘and then’ sex ‘.

“Sex love”
Courtesy of Motils

In “Dreams”, all this is about a strange first pawn as 17 -year -old Johan (Ella Øverbye), badly, badly, in love with his teacher Johana (Cellom Amtu).

“It started with Ella. I really wanted to write a part for him, “he says. They already worked together on a prize winner “Beware of children’s Basi” at the Goteburg Film Festival.

“I thought: If she could fit in this trilogy, it should be about the first love and about innocence. Then I remembered my first love, which was not very difficult, because it captured my whole mind Had done anything else. We could never become a lover or I still remember it as positive.

He wanted to remind people how it seems to be overwhelmed by emotion.

“Sex love”

“You no longer recognize yourself. I know it is impossible to go back, but if anyone can relieve that part, it would be great. ,

In his trilogy – Yngve Sæther and Hege Hauff Havattum, formed by HVATUM, falling into love or lust is one thing. It is another to tell others about it.

“When you are feeling something that is really great, you want to tell people. You want to tell the whole world. But when these characters do this, it is not necessarily a good experience. This distracts them and then it makes the whole thing less great. ,

Johann decided to write about his crush. Soon, his mother and grandmother are assuring her to publish the book, but it also thinks them about their choice.

“He wrote it to keep it himself, because it was very strong. Then she lets people read it and they talk about it. I do not have children themselves, but as a parents, you will react with anxiety or anxiety when you hear something like that. When you are reading about it, however, you get to think about it for some time, ”he notes.

“In a way, this girl is doing what her grandmother is doing throughout her life: she is living through words. And if you do this, you are missing something. Once I read about a writer, who was writing a lot of novels. Then he tried to live instead and it was a total failure. ,

Creators also get to experience things through their characters.

“It’s not real life, but somehow, it is. I do not know Maybe this is my way to tell people just: “If you meet someone, take a chance,” he insists, insists on giving his hero grace and kindness – no matter how much he Be hurt or confused.

“This is a big thing about this trilogy and it has been repeatedly reacted to the audience not only in Norway but also in other countries. Obviously, people need kindness. Kindleotism is a win for all. ,

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