‘Ladies and Sajjano … 50 years of SNL music’ is certain: TV reviews

No matter how a person can feel “Saturday night Live“The choice of jokes or artists or hosts, it cannot be denied that for a better part of the previous half century, it has been the most powerful platform for musicians in America, whether he is a superstar, emerging stars Whether or broken stars.

In fact, every major artist has performed on this, and for emerging musicians, it is an indication that they have almost come, whether they have gained enough popularity or curiosity or – perhaps the most important – controversy for shows – those But to take a chance. It was the first mainstream American television show to display New Wave (Davo 1978), Hip-Hop (Funky Four Plus One 1981), Hardcore Punk (Fear, 1981), although the sex pistol was booked in January 1978, although the sex pistol was booked in January 1978, But it was withdrawn because they separated), and many other sub-style.

Which serious music fan can’t remember a classic performance in the show, if not a dozen, not 50? David Bowie – who certainly performed all time best “SNLPerformance in 1979 – Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Tupac, Rihanna, Maria Carry, Allicia Keys, Jack White, Radiohad, Lenny Cravitz, Tom Wets, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Taylor Swift, Mary J. Blizes, Donald Glover, U2, Miley Cyrus, Billy Ilish, Billy Joel, No Dout, Tom Petty, Elton John, Olivia Rodrigo, Bruno Mars, and Prince are some of the artists who in the show and (usually brief) in this document Have appeared.


In the context of its musical guests, “SNL” has no real parallel in American television history – the nearest probably in terms of impact is a much more conservative “Ed Sulivan Show” during the 1960s – and for decades, many musicians who perform In this show, he not only grew up, but was also introduced to some of his favorite artists. As the dave grohe says in detail, amazing, “Ladies and gentlemen … 50 years of SNL music,” Which is aired tonight on NBC, it was a lively experience to see B-52 in the show in 1980, because “I felt strange, and they were also strange.”

And for an artist, it is a great proven ground: if they can perform on that platform, it may not mean that they can present a full album or concert – remember, remember, Hothhouse Flowers And Sliga Bells has also performed on the show – but it proves that they have enough talent and/or charisma, or good songs to capture a difficult platform.

So how can you cover that history and heritage in a documentary? (For that case, how do you write about it in a thousand words or less?) Director Oz Rodriguez (an Amy-Vigner “SNL” veterinarian) and Questlov (“The Summer of Sol” Grammy-and-Oskkar -Detened director, Roots leader and Drummer and music director of “The Tunite Show”) have done an excellent work that we call selective prevalence: Even though the document is three hours long and is full of interviews of many people, the above musician – Show founder Lorne Michaels and with long -time actors and officials, from Jane Curtin and Jimmy Follen to many people behind the curtain – it never falls in the same kind of arrogant self -deaf I am myself.

Yes, you have many leading musicians who are testifying about the importance and impact of the show and how excited and nervous they were to perform on it – “Dude, ‘SNL” difficult,” Billy Ilish says – but it never thinks that they are doing exaggeration. (History takes the only time for revisionist when the show was highly controversial and highly criticized by the Catholic Church about the Catholic Church in 1992 – and the visionary – the statement was rebelled, in which he has a Pope John Paul’s one A comment against child exploitation.

After this, the long history is not something that can actually be digested in one or several meetings: it is divided into chapters based on the subject: introduction of various styles of music like hip-hop and punk; Elvis Costeello, controversy with failed lip-syncing of Ashley Simpson; And dealing with tragedy like 9/11 and Kovid-19 epidemic.

Yet it not only covers musical guests: his parody (from John Belushi’s Cocker to Jimmy Follen’s Mick Jagger to Maya Rudolf’s Beyonse) and also on the leading digital shorts of Lonely Island, which are also widespread segments which The number exceeded hundred.

And nothing can prepare the audience for the magnificent montage that opens it: six minutes, Questlov-Helmeed Video DJ Mix that presents decades of songs and performances as a man-up, classic megamics Is. We can go into more detail but it will not do justice – he deserves Amy alone.

There are so many excellent performances and stories that it is almost necessary to see again and again new York Times 38 of the best compiled in a helpful manner), and the audience really makes sense of how music developed in the show and ethos behind it – as Miley Cyrus is called, a certain amount of controversy for Michaels The most attractive thing is, while discussing Costallo’s 1978 life-changing appearance (in place of sex pistol), where he suddenly changed songs in the middle of the performance, “I will sometimes read,” It is banned ‘(from show) for a lifetime.’ We have never banned anyone, we are very foolish and opportunistic.

We can move forward, but trust us – it is worth watching, perhaps more than once.

‘Ladies and gentlemen … 50 years of SNL music’ on NBC at 8 pm on NBC.

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