‘I really love my husband’ review: Drama on marital troubles

In “I really love my husband“GG ​​Hawkins’ Undercuched feature debut debut as a writer-director, Teresa (Madison Laayi) tells others that she really loves her husband from every opportunity that she gets. Those who started with scenes, who could use both better humor and deep dramatic stakes, are different clues that he cannot do, in fact, may fall in love with Drew (Travis Quentin Young), an incompatible people-plasa that Teresa seems to be very angry many times (she appears to be on her wedding day, which she appears as her husband. Loves?)

We know the standard dynamic among the delightful Bokos del Toro, a flight to our honeymoon in Panama, while Drew does everything in his power to be tedious, while Teresa has shown her comparatively on-age personality. An in-Flight episode briefly about a fellow passenger’s near-fatal walnut allergies makes Teresa suspicious-is it his Keto Bar that caused the crisis? But when attracted, it jumps with valor to share the defect, it becomes a bridge too far for Teresa. Is it a shame really all the time?

As we spend more time with the couple, Teresa’s suspicion is understood in some ways-although the meaning can be done well, no relative wants to look like an evil man when he collects all the other important good will, sometimes at the cost of his spouse. But whatever is not understood is that of Teresa’s gradual uncontrolled during the honeymoon, her visit was not considered immediately after her visit. They are already married throughout the year and finally they have time to celebrate their Sangh.

Even if you take their reality at an inscribed price – that somehow this mismatch pair got married a year ago and married the whole time – which fasts someone’s patience after the flight, as Teresa has worked incompletely to Drew. We are definitely not going to do justice, as every person (in real life and films) is allowed to awaken and development of his own regardless of his age. But you are never certain whether the film manages to be non-judicial to Teresa herself because she tries to spice her marriage with Drew, ultimately eventually to fly and accept her true feelings. Often, this critic wished that some grace notes notes that the script had allowed Drew, also used for Teresa.

Thankfully, the film dials with its energy (only briefly) with the introduction of the paj (actually a captivating Arta G), the non-binary manager of the doubles holiday rental. There is some chemistry between the trio – a hawkins should tease and bend more – which suggests to drag Teresa, “What if we seduced the paw?” Soon, she receives her wish and a trio has a rewarding trigut, an episode “I really love my husband” neither shows, nor (thankfully) judges. But in particular, this migration proves to be an distraction from their actual problem, rather than solving. No matter how they spin it, Teresa and Drew are not all compatible. Knowing this, living with “I really love my husband”-even its compact looks like a core despite the beautiful places of the film (although the digital look of the film does not do justice to her) and committed actors. Among them Lisa Jacqueline is Starrett, who plays the role of a former reality TV star and a friend of Paz cannot find a real use for the story.

Nevertheless, the main issue with “I really love my husband” is its inhuman set-up, which tells us to believe that those who are worldly, open-minded and aware of their needs, as the central couple of the film, come to marriage and monogamy, because it is required from them, and not because it is what they want. And clearly, it is asking a little bit in today’s self-care-oriented society. It is not that poor marriages do not take place from General X to General Z and it is not that it is wrong to identify that your needs have developed during the first year of your marriage. But “I really love my husband” perfectly suggests that Teresa has always felt somewhat suffocated in her domestic system, is uncertain whether she really attracts from the day she started dating. In that, it is someone guessed why she got stuck with her marriage and “I really love my husband” will not give any enough reason to take care of you to guess them.

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