food Networkambitious “24 in 24: Last chef stands“Pak competition has set the date of its second season premiere and unveiled the list of new contestants for Michael Simon and Esther Choi-Hosted shows.
Shown in real -time, “24 in 24: Final Chef Standing” 24 chefs compete in 24 challenges during 24 straight hours. The challenges are divided into eight changes that reflect the daily life of the chef and focus on skills including speed, resourceness, artistry and adaptability.
24 competitive chefs on season 2 include: Elia Abumrad, Brittany Anderson, Gab Burtasini, Samantha Cruise, Leslie Daniel, Richie Pherina, Iel Hall, Stephanie Ejard, Kevin Li, Arturo Leitan, Laurens Luni, Kellas Murf, Murf, May Murfe, May Murf, Damaris Philips, Mitchell Ragusis, Zurisadai “Zuri” Regardiz, Jonathan Syre, Ashlegh Shanti, Lawrence “Lieutenant” Smith, Brian Voltagio and Dara You.
“24 in 24: Last Chef Standing” Season 2 will start at 8 pm on the food network on April 27 and stream on Max the next day. The season will transmit a weekly two -hour episode for five weeks ending at the conclusion of May 25, where the final chef standing will win $ 75,000.
Per food networks, “In the superstized season premiere, hosts Michael Simon and Esther Choi, which welcomes 24 of the country’s most talented and fearless chefs, which to compete in the most intensive competition of all time – 24 challenges in 24 nonstop hours. In the first shift, the chef will have to bear the speed of testing three challenges. People who affect expert judge Antonia Lofaso, they survive, and anyone who does not do is forced to go out. When Michael and Esther introduce all important golden knives, the chefs learn that this epic of cooking will be full of twist and turn day, but only those who can accommodate on the fly, they get a chance to stand the final chef. In the next 24 hours, the competition tested different changes that test aspects of being chefs: after the premiere speed challenge, the theme includes simplicity, resourceness, artistry, adaptability, teamwork, risk and height. ,
“24 in 24” has a wild ride – we knew that in real time it would be risky to play a Pak competition for more than 24 hours, but the experiment could not be better and distributed our latest hits, “Warner Brothers said food content Bitsci Ayla. “Season two is even more unexpected, these chefs are using skills, confidence and adrenaline every drop, making it through a new gunlet of challenges, making the show a mustard.”
“24 in 24: Final Chef Standing” is produced by Lando Entertainment for Food Network.