Family adventure-comedy ‘prank’ was raised by picture tree

Picture Tree Intal. International sales rights for “prank” are directed by a family adventure-comedy Benjamin hygenberg ,

The PTI will introduce the film as a market premiere in the European film market in Berlin, which is before the German release in this spring.

The “prank” follows 12 -year -old Lucas Rosen and his Chinese exchange student Xi Zhou (Max Zheng), which appears that April is out of the spiral control of the flower prank. The one that begins as a harmless joke develops in an chaotic adventure, drawing in an artist of misfit characters, including gangsters and Bambling police officers.

The artists are in the form of Lucas in the form of Nol Gabriel Kip, a mischievous hero yet dear hero. Connecting with her is in the form of Max Zheng Xi Zhou. The dress includes Laura Tonke, Sedric Each, Jana McCinone and Lucas Miko.

“Prank” is a vibrant and heart-wrenching scruball comedy, which shows the NAC of Benjamin Hygenberg for combining humor and depth, “said the co-management director of Yuan Rothboyar-Sui, Picture Tree Intal.

The film was produced by the KundheShefter FilmProdukten (Germany), in a concept with Telfilm (Switzerland).

It was supported by Medianboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Mattledus Medianfordurung, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM), German Federal Film Board (FFA) and German Federal Film Fund (DFFF).

The film from Switzerland received funding from the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), Filmstandortfordurung Shwage (FISS), and Innerschweizer Filmfachgrupe (IFFG). “Prank” is a compromise with public broadcasters Kaka, MDR, BR, HR and SRF/SRG SSR.

The “prank” is involved in the diverse lineup of the picture tree, including “The Baszers”, adventure about the journey of a Norwegian family adventure scout for self-kings; “Repters,” was set up an Ortho Historical Drama in Sweden in the 1930s, which will be a premiere in the big screen competition at the International Film Festival Rotterdam; “Old White Man,” a sarcastic dramai, who has already occupied about one million entrances in Germany; A medieval fantasy epic from Canada “The Stall Child,”; “OSHA rule,” a supernatural crime thriller from Spain; “Divine remedies,” An Icelandic comedy and comedy followed for “Grand Finale”; And “Freedas Case”, a period drama nominated director Maria Brendal by the Academy Award.

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