‘Elsbeth’ told Mary Lewis Parker and David Alan Grier as guest stars

Mary Lewis Parker And David Alan Grier Season 2 of CBS has been tapped as guest stars’ElsbethThe mystery spinoff of “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight” starred Carry Preston as a real detective Elsbeth Tasionone.

Parker, who is known for her star turn in the “mourning” of Shotime, will play the role of a minimum lifestyle brand and a falling guru Freya with a controlled personality. “When her husband threatened the right sense of her balance, she kills her to keep the third in her throw,” readline readline.

Grier, who currently acts in NBC SICOM “St. plays the role of Dennis Medical,” Arthur Green Junior, A highly professional owner of a family morchary who completes up to one percent. According to CBS, “There is everything for Vivek Arthur, so when his conspiracy-minded nephew threatened to find out the truth about the bottled funeral of a famous writer, he does the same as to keep secret burials Should be taken. ”

“Elsbeth” is a police procedural dramadee that usually serves as a “Hochacham” mystery show instead of “whodenit”, which means the audience usually knows at the beginning of which episode. The series premiered in February 2024 and closed its second season just a few months after the first season’s circulation.

Parker recently wrapped the MGM+ thriller series “The Institute” based on the Stephen King novel. She will be the next star in the limited series of paramount “The Gray House”, and she has seen with Ayo Adebiri in the “Omni Loop”, which was premiered in SXSW in 2024. He won Amy and Golden Globe for his role in 2004 as Harper Pitt. HBO’s “Angels in America,” and he won another globe for “weeds” two years later.

Grier is a Tony winning actor, whose career flew after his role in the sketch comedy series “In Living Color”. He also acted in the Fox Comedy Series “Martin” and is a acclaimed stand-up comedian. His recent roles include “Clone Tyrone,” “The American Society of Magical Negro” and 2023 remakes of “The Color Purple”. Grier is represented for public relations by Activist Artist Management, Innovative Artist Agency for Theater and Mitchell Bega.

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