London’s The Young Wik Theater has announced an extended run and members of additional artists for Tim Crouch’s Groundbreaking Play “.A oak tree“Which will now run from 6-24 May, marking the 20th anniversary of production.
“Brijantron” Star Adjoa andohOscar nominated Jessie Bakle (“The Lost Daughter”), Mark gatis ,
They join First declared artist Sop Dirisu (“Gangs of London”), Mitchell Terry (“Tribes”), Luke Thompson (“Brijantron”), Russell Tovi (“Being Human”) and Indira Verma (“Game of Thrones”). The identity of guest artists will only appear to the audience when they step on every night stage.
Written, performance and co-directed by Crach, “an oak tree” pioneered the concept of dramatic “cold-reading”, where each guest artist performs a play without watching or reading it, and will perform only during the run. Since its 2005 premiere, more than 350 different guest actors have appeared in drama in 19 countries, including Frances McDormand, Jeffrey Rush, Sharon de Clarke, Alnis Moriset, Sophie Ocono and Peter Dinklase.
The play tells the story of a father who loses his daughter in a car accident. The driver who kills him is a hypnosis of a platform, and two people meet when the father volunteers for the act of the hypnotist.
“Exactly twenty years ago a laboratory was built in a small room above a pub in South London, where an experiment was done,” Crach said. “Actors were invited to try to make a new drama which I called ‘an oak tree’ – such as a new drug formulation. Every time a separate actor who knew nothing about the drama he was going to be – every time a blind exam.”
He said: “After twenty years and this experiment is still going on with 374 blind tests. 374 actors who have pretended with me. And the laboratory has moved from La to La from La to Russia to Australia to Asia. ,
“Ek Oak Tree” has been presented by Young Vik’s cooperation by the “Flabag” and “Baby Rendier” by the Olivier Award winning manufacturers. The production is directed by Peter Gill with music, Carl James and Andy Smith.