Baby Elliot is Sam’s pond connection

spoiler ALERT: This post includes Spiiler from “If you can Reed My Mind”, the end of season 3 of the hallmark “Houseway“Which streams the hallmark+ and peacock.

“The Way Home” shut down its third season A mysterious child abandonedAnd fans have waited for all the season to get more information about the esoteric view. By the end of the conclusion of season 3, we know an important thing about the child: who he was. It was discovered that an infant Illiot (played by Ivan Williams as an adult) was as a child. She was released by the pond by the mother who traveled her time, jumped into a frigid water with someone who should be a male landry, but whose face we never see.

Why did he leave Elliot from the pond and the mother of Elliot is still connected to the unknown landry, the questions discovered in the “The Way Home” Season 4 are-Hallmark announced the renovation of the show a day before the finale. As Cat (Chiler Leh) and Elliott examined their family relations with the pond, Dell (Andy McDowell) would be busy in search of Jacob (Spencer McFerson), who disappeared after the disappearance of Lewis Gudwin (Philip Ricacio), which threatened to suppress Arsen’s allegations against her. We cannot imagine that Dell will be very happy to know that her lover, Sam (Rob Stewart) knows a lot about the journey of Jacob’s time, because he is compared to leaving, but it was satisfactory for the audience that Sam has his relationship with the pond, which was also confirmed in the finale.

While many questions are still about Elliot, Jacob’s disappearance, Sam and KC Goodwin (von Murray), the conclusion of season 3 responded to many of them about the adventure of Colton (Jefferson Brown) and his time-journey. Alice (Saddy Laflerame-Sno) made an unexpected journey with her grandfather in the 90s for heart to heart and responded to her family that her family was in dire need of what Patriyark knew about the pond when Jacob disappeared.

Diversity Caught with protesters Heather And Alex Clarke Baby twist, Easter eggs, closures, and season 4 and the “the homes” to talk about moving forward to talk about all finale development.

What is this end for its relationship with Elliot and Time Travel?

Alexandra Clarke: It found a cat of much more individual, which is a fun new layer for all this. This is actually a fun launching pad. As much as he enjoyed his five more minutes with Coleton, and he would never forget that Elliot has always been someone who traveled to the length of the hand. To create this feeling, or to create this principle, takes it to the next level.

Elliot and Cat also take their relationship to the next level after an important conversation in this episode. Are they really in a better place to work this relationship In the beginning of the season,

Heather: It is coming with them reality what people they are. They are not the same people they knew in 1999; They have to shift gear. Alex wrote that amazing scene. This is one of those scenes that I think anyone who has a bizarre reality problem in their relationship should be seen, because it is a master class.

Clarke: We started this season in love with him. During the season, he realized that this is not a love that is still fully made. Both of them grow a lot in this season and make mistakes, and do impulsive things. All arguments that they are not really logic. They are identifying that they are on a deadlock, and they need to work on themselves before working on them as a unit. I think this heartfelt conversation is his crastendo. They are feeling that to really love each other, they have to love who they are now and who they were not.

Going to the past is all well and good, but they cannot love each other keeping in mind the past. They can travel to the past, but they cannot live there. Elliot admits that she always puts her on a chair because her family was perfect, so whatever mistake she made, she held against her because she was going to be right. On the contrary, Kat learns that she always took Elliott because when she was a child, how she was. He was always there, and he never fought. He realizes that he needs to appreciate which is really very cute.

Peter Streaks/Hallmark Channel courtesy

Elliot is not the only one we learn that there is a deep connection with the pond in this conclusion. You validated all those who have at least find out what the pond can do, when he is talking to Dale, he can show him by standing there. What can you irritate about Sam’s relationship with the pond?

Conkie: We put it in an accurate position with almost accurate words as we had Elliot at the end of the pilot. If you keep two shots together, they are the same, literally. The lines are the same.

Clarke: This was a very purposeful option for mirrors. Our show is about the echo of the past and the present. The past never went. We like the call back in our first episode because the complete closing is about going back to the beginning, which is why we chose Coldplay’s “The Scientist” properly. We are showing the audience that it has been working for some time. We have these ideas since season 1 and we are finally showing it to you.

Such loose threads with colon were tied at this conclusion. Does it close the loop completely on your time trip, or is there more to find?

Clarke: I don’t think you can count Colon at any time. The learning of Coleton is the foundation of our show. He is such an attractive character, and we certainly reveal a lot between the episodes 9 and 10 about their experience with time travel, and why they made the options made by them. The story is always more for the story with coleton. There are a lot of questions that I hope that people ask about those final moments of the episode with the young Dale, and are taking Colon Elliot in. What are its implications? This is part of Elliot’s story, which is definitely not known about our audience. There are definitely more secrets to unveil.

One of the things we confirmed in this episode, it is one of the things to know who was at the CAT accident site and did not forgive him, but always loved him. What to do to carry forward that knowledge for Kat?

Konki: It certainly frees him from deep guilt that she has been feeling since she made that terrible decision to try and change things. I think it will turn her into some ways, but Kat is also “on the next”.

Clarke: What does one of the really complicated things look like after closing the cat about season 4. Coleton knew that he was going to die, and he stopped Alice from telling him anything about how it was going to happen. He was ready to do what he needed to do to bring Alice to this world and faced this moment with him in February 2000. He was solved in his decisions. It is going to free Kat in such a way that we did not see him free before. I know what it means to him, what does it mean to look for the next or his confidence. After this there are many roads to go down with him.

Peter Streaks/Hallmark Channel courtesy

Dale also closed something this season. He finally jumped into the pond! What does the journey of the 70s back to Dale and his relationship for the pond?

Conkie: The pond has been an enemy. This was the first time he realized that it could be complete magic. The wedding is one of my favorite scenes throughout the life of the show. I loved music very much. I love the way I was filmed. This is actually a lot, and is very emotional.

Clarke: To see the pond in a new way, he needed to have a gift to that trip. She only knows it as a vessel that takes those people she loves. By giving him a gift to see them for five and minutes, he is allowing him to move forward in a different light. She is a very practical woman. She is not going to be obsessed in that way as cat or allice, but required a positive experience with the pond to move forward.

We also learn that Susanna left Lingmore for the Landry family. What can it mean for season 4 and Goodwin/Landry quarrel, what can you irritate about it?

Clarke: This is such a delicious way to end that story. They have this paper – what are they going to do with it? Do they really want to get down from that road? It opens a lot of questions about the relationship between Goodwin and Landry families. Don’t forget, Louis Gudwin already knows that the will is present -KC showed it in season 2. What would it mean if it comes back to harass her? Those exciting questions have to be faced.

Casey returns to this episode and confirmed that she is not Alice’s daughter. We still do not know who they are, so why did you want to inform that tidbit?

Conkie: It cleans the slate for elis. She is extending all the season and spreading that she ended with Max Goodwin. Is this really the future and whether everything is predetermined, or does he have any option left in this world? Then she really finds herself attracted to this man and there is a relief for her to know that she still has a future that she can choose, such as Elliot and Cat now have a future that they can choose together.

Clarke: In the room of authors, we always try to connect these three incredible female characters with the past, present and future. This was a weather where Dale was questioning his past. Kat was questioning her present and she is now fit that her mission to bring Jacob home was over. Due to the existence of Casey, Alice was actually questioning her future and what it meant. In the end, we wanted to see that these characters get a sense of freedom from those questions. Dale was free from her questions because she had to go back to her wedding and it was exactly the same as she remembered. Kat and Elliot made this incredible conversation, and of course this season through their experiences with Thomas, she was able to free herself in the present. Alice – because of all this, and what they close closes it – is free from any doubt about the future. It was important to show in our conclusion that they are now independent.

The idea comes in this season that the pond can punish people to break the rules. Obviously, the pond makes an option about when and where people have to send in time, but is it one thing that can punish or reward passengers for their behavior in the past?

Clarke: This was the explanation of Colton for Ellis and why he kept himself for his argument, why he was ashamed, and why he wondered why it does not work for his family. These are all lessons in communication. Colon did not know the whole story about the pond. I think the pond teaches lessons, but it is all about the reflection. This takes you where you need to go. I think it is an aggressive organization vs. an aggressive. Colon told Alice that he made a terrible mistake, and he made. We are all able to make terrible mistakes, even an incredible character like Coleton. Therefore, the show resonates with the people because even the best intentions are nothing, but pure good is also able to fall down and be wrong. And that’s fine. I think this is a very powerful message.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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