Speaking in the Berlinal Series Market, Ampere analysis, Man bisan Peak-TV shared insight on the current situation in the world and the future of television, which he is calling 75% of Peak TV.
His analysis provided a comprehensive observation of the projection of the industry, which exposes major trends and challenges. Below, we see some major ideas of Bisan on the developed scenario of TV.
Peak TV is dead, long 75% peak TV
“Peak TV is over,” Bisan told Diversity Unevenly in the preview of his point. “Set 2023 agenda, and this is really interesting if you see the final 10 times on that chart (below). If you put a trendline through those last 10 bars, you will have a flat line. Representation is 25% at the peak. And it means that we are in a market that I am defined as 75% Peak TV, and we have reached a stable position on 75% Peak TV .
Bisan’s observation underlines a significant change in the television industry. The era of Peak TV is characterized by an abundance of high-end narrative materials, which has reached its zone. The market is now stable at 75% of the peak of the epidemic-era, which gives a new general indication to the industry.
Broadcast of streaming
“We have also found a relevant status for drama and high-end scripted TVs which I am calling the broadcast of streaming. And this, of course, creates more pressure on some of the traditional players, which are being largely affected by the audience’s migration to global streaming. ,
Bisan introduced the concept of “broadcasting”, where streaming services are traditionally adopting traditionally strategies associated with television. This change is powered by various factors, including market saturation, demand for investor profitability and the need to maintain customers. One of the most obvious signs of this change, separated from the introduction of advertisements for almost every streaming platform, is an increased emphasis on live games between streamers. In the last five years, Streamers have doubled their expenses on sports offerings. Imagine, Bisan suggested, if they go to full broadcaster and start spending 30% of their budget on the game. What will be left for traditional players?
“Streaming material strategies were rapidly overlapping with broadcast players. So they have a lot of unpublished, ”Bisan explained. “Five years ago, one of one of his original commissions was united. It is now half, one of two. ,
This trend reflects a strategic axis as streaming services try to diversify their offerings and attract wide audiences. According to Bisson, only one category of scripted television is growing at the moment, and its popularity with streamters can face trouble for broadcasters. “Crime is the only style of TV showing a projection to a top, and of course, long -running crime processes are national broadcasting TV bread and butter. But we are watching a big upwing in activity for streamers, ”we warned.
Effect of market saturation
“We had the saturation of the market, where development was very difficult,” Bisan explained the streaming platforms that they reach the upper borders of customers. He explained that although the markets were running out of new customers, “We needed to maintain the need to be more important than investors, reduction in expenditure and customers to be more important, because, especially the rich markets In, the streaming business was saturated. , ,
Market saturation has greatly impressed the strategies of streaming services, arguing. As development is becoming increasingly challenging, the focus has moved and will continue to move towards profitability and customer retention. It is most clearly seen in the rise of renewal of the existing show, while the originals are leaving the first-ran commissions. The distributors are clinging to what they know and taking less opportunities.
Future of high-end drama
As a result, “high-end drama has become less important for streamers,” Bisson said. He argued that the Commissioner will continue to cut back to the orders of the new series and when they try something new, they are more ambitious, in favor of high quality programming. quality over quantity.
Bisson’s analysis suggests that the content of high-end drama streaming services is losing its centrality in strategies, a major change from the Peak TV era. Bisson did not suggest that the end is near to high-end TV, but it would mean that the series will appear on streaming and broadcasting TVs for the first time.
Cooperation in ecosystem
“Cooperation in ecosystems is the only way to think about the market,” Bisan insisted on the forward path in a world where streamters, channels and video platforms should fight for the same audience. According to Bisson, the relationship in this setting does not require conflict, and traditional broadcasters can learn a lot from global players.
“I am a commercial broadcaster. I am not going to be YouTube. I am limiting my distribution regional, even my broadcast license is regional. But, I can learn from both and cooperate with organizations that are experts specializing with global audiences to streamline sales. And so perhaps I should think about cooperation. ,
Fittest’s survival: Importance of adaptability
According to Bisson, it is easy to take a negative attitude and predict a dark future for broadcasters. Given the huge popularity of video hosting platforms seen in the graph given below, even some of the biggest streamers can withstand irrelevances in the shadow of behemoths such as YouTube and Tiktok.
However, “I am arguing that the thinking is a little flawed,” he explained. “We need to reconsider how we define ecosystem within media and entertainment. Darwinian Theory tells us, ‘Survival of the fittest.’ Therefore, you may think that large, powerful and rich companies are the most worthy and dominated. But in fact, Darwin’s principle is based on fitness to survive, which is not always large and strong. It can do this, but it is not necessary. This means that the unique set of pressure has the ability to flourish in which you live and exist. ,
Bisan’s approach to adaptability underlines the need to grow within its unique and, most important, local ecosystems for media companies. Success is not completely determined by capital, but from the ability to navigate and adapt to a given market specific pressures. In this case, traditional distributors can take a different advantage on global superpowers.
wrapping up
Bisan’s insight provides a valuable roadmap to understand the future of television. As the industry is developing, the concepts of broadcasting, market saturation and cooperation in ecosystems will play an important role in shaping the strategies of media companies. Hugging these trends, the industry will better navigate further challenges and sometimes grow in the changing scenario.