Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson Colin Jost Joke

John mulaini Taken “Saturday night Live“The 50th anniversary special on a five-decade trip through the ups and downs of the show’s New York City Home Base. Starting with the birth of 1975 of the series, Mulaini’s Star-Staded Medley, members of former artists Pete Davidson and David Spad began with convincing that Grimmy was still a great time to live in New York in the 1970s.

From there, it was an eye on a decade-a decade-a decade-Driver wearing clothes as a hot dog, Kate McCinone showed a infamous former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Scarlett Johanson, which “Little Shop Off. Horkers were dressed as an audition, joking about real -life husband Colin Jost. In addition, Nathan Lane sang an od for cocaine to the tune of “The Lion Kings” “Hakuna Matata” – a song that he sang for the film as Timan.

Other guest places included one -time “SNL” music directors Paul Shefer and G Smith, while former artists members were sung from the stand by Jason Sudikis and Will Fort, as well as Kristeon Wiig dressed as Green M&M The members of the edges with Jenna Ortega and Kevin Costner in the middle.

As post 9/11 Giuliani, McKinon sang “Throwing Ae My Shot” to the tune of “Hamilton’s” My Shot “with Lin-Manuel Miranda in full haemilton dress. Johanssen and Paul Rood sang “sudden ibic” from “Little Shop of Hormers” from “suddenly Seemor”, while Kennan Thompson and Maya Rudolf form the form of pizah rat with “One Day Peacock” along with “One Day Peacock” -Jonas and Taran Kilum Wear clothes in

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