‘When we prioritize money, we get generic content’

Ethan Hawke And Richard Linklator Berlin Film Festival Press Conference about taking risks in art, “Blue moon“On Tuesday, it decreases saying that when money is given priority.

“The audience cares. They do not sell. You guys, community, make it important. To have a place in our conversation for aggressive art, it should be taken care of, ”Hawk said. “And when we prioritize money at all costs, what we get is the common material that appeals to most people and we have been told that it is the best. This is a dance that we all do together. If you love aggressive art and you want it, demand it. Right now, people do not think they will earn any money from it, so it is not made. ,

The idea of ​​”aggressive art” is a theme in “Blue Moon”, which follows Lorengist Lorenz Hart (Hawk), former creative partner of Richard Rhoders, as he “Oklahoma!” The early night struggles with alcohol and depression. First music with Hamrstin. After opening the night, the heart criticizes the show and is very happy with an end.

The added Linklator, “aggressive time combines aggressive art. But films have always been escapism, and in our film he is accusing ‘Oklahoma’! Has being an escapist in the midst of wwii’s horrors. I do not know, I think most of the human psyche wants to avoid a little.

“Blue Moon” marked the first film of Hawk and Linklator in more than a decade since the 2014 “Boyhood”. With Hawk as Heart, “Blue Moon” also starred Andrew Scott as Rodgers, as Margaret Qualle as Elizabeth Weeland and Bobby Canwale as a bartender called ED.

Hawk and Linklator have now worked together on nine feature films during their career, including “the first” trilogy, “The Newton Boys” and “Fast Food Nation”. Last year at a Venice Film Festival Talk, Hawk discussed his cooperation and origin of “Blue Moon”, saying that Linklator wanted to make a film 12 years ago but he said that he said that The actor “was still very attractive.”

“He likes,” calm, we’re going to make it, but we need to wait for a while. ” Why do we need to wait a while? He said, ‘You are still very attractive. We wait that you are a little less attractive. ‘I was so,’ What are you talking about? ‘ ‘Hawk said. “He likes,” just trust me. Let’s just put it in a drawer, and let’s read it every two years and see if we are ready or not. ”

“Blue Moon” is a premiere at the Berlin Film Festival on Tuesday night.

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