Killer Doll Chapel dances Roans

M3gan more AI is back to doll horror.

Blumhouse The first look is “M3gan 2.0Since 2022, the sequel to Surprise Horror introduced the world to kill Robot M3gan.

The first “M3gan”, which stands for the model 3 generative Android, follows a young girl named Caddy (Violet McGrag), who loses her parents in a car accident and her robotist aunt Jemma (Elisan Williams is raised by). Jemma is working on an experimental, hair-shaped robot designed for the last partner for children. Unexpected, the AI ​​robot becomes dangerous and kills anything that is a threat to caddy-and also cuts some tiktok-inspired dance moves during the murder. Jemma and Caddy defeated M3gan until the end of the film, but the final scene made it clear that she was not going offline easily.

A sequel was quickly declared after the film earned $ 181 million at the global box office, and Williams and McGrag are confirmed to return. “M3gan 2.0” will be released on 27 June.

The “M3gan” Universe is also expanding with a spinoff film, titled “Solm8te”, is set for 2026. It has been billed as an erotic thriller with an AI twist that is the center on a person who damages to achieve an artificially intelligent android to achieve an artificially intelligent android to achieve intelligent android Interesting in an attempt to make his dead wife in recently, a dead wife.

“Soulm8te” was declared in June 2024 and is described as “in the 90s domestic thriller tradition but with a modern, technical turn”.

See the teaser trailer for “M3gan 2.0” below.

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