Andrew Jerkee’s powerful prison exposes

,Alabama solution“The American jail system is one of the most powerful exposes of inhumanity that I have ever seen. Director Andrew jaraki It is a investigative documentary, which has been filmed in five years, most of its part is in and around the Eastraling Correctional facility in South -East Alabama, which does not only show us the old misuse of prisoners. It exposes the culture of holy chaos. And the way the “The Alabama Solution” explains this, peeling the layers of a systemic cover-up becomes as dramatic as about crimes.

The film runs on the footsteps of the dictators like Ava Darne. “13th” And Liz Garbus and Jonathan Stack’s “The Farm: Angola, USA” and Stanley Nelson “Etika,” Construction on their insight. And it infiltrates the world of gel with a simplicity, and emotional directness, possible by technology (in this case). A decision of the Supreme Court has shown that warden may prevent journalists from entering jails as a way to protect “safety and security”. This means that anything can go behind bars, and it will not be seen. It is easy to report on the war zone, as it is in jail. But Jaraki and Cofman enter the walls of privacy.

He first came to Eastraling in 2019, which seemed to be a positive opportunity. They were to record a religious revival, complete with barbecue, being held in the prison yard. But it turned out that it was a great public relationship. When they were there, many prisoners took them aside and told them the stories and colonies of beating and stabbing them.

Those who are serving time always find ways to achieve things (drugs, money, etc.) even after violating the gel protocol or law. And in the “The Alabama Solution”, we see the disorganized men of the Eastraling that they use the contrast cell phone with the outside world. The prisoners were in touch with filmmakers, using cell phones as an underground communication system. And footage of those calls, a vertical rectangle presented in onscreen, an extraordinary muckraking bears urgency. Prisoners such as Robert Earl Council and Melvin Earl, who talk directly to their mind and report what they are looking for, become a clear and compelling narrator of the film.

We get direct testimony about what has happened in jail, but raw phone footage achieves something else. This makes prisoners human, allowing them to reduce their public identity as guilty criminals. The film, in this sense, is not only competing with misuse. It is also pushing back against the tendency of the pigeon prisoners of a sympathetic audience because we are watching them. The complete humanity of these men is something that is very easy to brush on one side, and it reminds us of some “Alabama solution” every moment.

We are presented with shocking figures about the Alabama State Jail System. It is one of the worst in the United States, with the highest rate of drug overdose, rape, suicide and murder. How does something like this happen? Eastraling is an institution at 200 percent capacity. The circumstances are frightening. We see that Robert Earl Council tosses mice that are moving around their toilets, and we learn that they spent five years in solitary imprisonment. He looks and is surprisingly focused and excited to undergo that hell, but a part of you surprises: how can a gel be justified Any In solitude for that long time? In the case of Eastraling, which is run like a totalitarian work form, is all part of how the system is organized to close the sounds of the prisoners, to ensure that the lightest of the law Violations are also hidden.

After establishing us in the world of this nightmare, the documentary takes shape around the same terrible event. A prisoner in Donaldson Jail, named Steven Davis, was beaten so brutally by the guard that he was injured in the ICU. But it was worse than this: he was found in a body bag there. He was killed – for nothing. We have shown a cladstine picture that was taken from his corpse, and this is a hidden image, one you cannot ignore, his facial bones were truly imprisoned, his eye is a dark circle. “The Alabama solution” becomes the secret of a murder. How did this happen and why? And how could it be covered?

Many prisoners saw what happened, and testify to it, and their words all align. They describe how Davis was beaten, breaking the guard of the guard and Davis to take his boot, bounted it from the floor “like basketball”. But there is a prisoner who provides condradictory testimony. It is the Davis Sale Mate, James Sales. What do you eat for discrepancy? There are a few months of his sentence before the sale is free; He is trying not to rock the boat. And as we are wondering how it will solve itself, something happens. The gel system solves it, not in a good way.

The major guards in the story, Roderick Gaidson, highlights the danger of Suj Knight, with their bald heads and their bald heads and stegi and looming physique. We look at a hearing footage in which he discusses various crimes he has been accused, he has been rejected with a banging awareness that the system will protect him. The system, which includes all the jails in Alabama, is run for profit. The state’s 20,000 disorganized people provide $ 450 million in goods and work in Alabama every year. This is the reason that the state has spent $ 50 million defending jail officials against allegations of misconduct.

All this is an injustice – murder, silence, capitalist ethos that goes back to the slave era – is part of a large racket, headed by Alabama’s Governor, Kay Eve, who is headed by Kay Eveh, who is about the surprise of his state jail. The system says that it should be played by Kathy Bates in the Hollywood version of this story. At one point is a state-wide jail strike to oppose these crimes, and it appears well organized. It receives traction and national attention and works… until it does. You can think of Etiica. Who really keeps the card here?

“Alabama solution,”, as its title explains, is about how gel can be part of the state-wide range of corruption. We have been told how the state is planning to consolidate its chaos system by constructing three new mega-jails at a cost of $ 900 million. This is not a solution to the position of the congested prison; This is a efficiency move by a corporation. And the film shows that Alabama is not alone as the bad situation is. These trends and injustice are part of how prison in America works fast. But “The Alabama Solution” bare the rotten courage of this system with sufficient evidence, and enough to create a difference.

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