Two decades ago, in 2006, the Shortstav team replaced one of the major Oscar races, protecting all five finalists in the animated short category of the Academy Awards on the big screen and secured the rights to release all the five finalists and all the equipment from laptop to cell phones. Argo, “2025 Oscar Nominated Short Films: Animation” Package now represents the company’s 20th edition in theaters. At that time, the Carter Picture and his crew have enabled a 99 animated finalist (in its first year to secure the rights of Shane Acker’s “9” the dramatic release of a 99 animated finalists). This year’s schedule is quite unique that the mixture does not have no bright, Hollywood-made contenders, who make up for this time, for a comprehensive survey of what they are doing.
The nearest thing for a studio-supported submission is director Daisuke Nishio’s “”Magic candies“TOI Animation (popular” One Peace “and” Dragon Ball “is designed for franchisees), although the personal touch is not wrong. Designed and lit to look like a stop motion, but actually made using CGI, a 21-minute short short dong-dong is focused on a child after buying a bag of bright colors. Candies gives him a new way to communicate with a different person in his life-a couch worn in his apartment, Dong-Dong’s misunderstanding dog Gusuri, his stressed single father-but only the Chinese remains in his mouth. Should be more effective, trying to reach the Nishio (while the enrollment allows it to cross enough limitations to cross and cross the US).
Subsequently, Iranian co-director Shirin Sohani and Hosain Molemi’s blind 2D short “In the shadow of the saru“The effect of a difficult adult takes the subject-PTSD’s effect-and tries to tell how it works for the audience of all ages. A young woman lives with her war-dislike father by the sea, who is currently finding it difficult to connect with problems-as the whale which washes the ash that was washes the ash-since she still has a violent vision. Alegorical tail may be a little confused to interpret several times, but its line-free is striking in the Illustrative style. Needed.
In contrast, French director Loco Espuche “Yes!“The original can rarely be more pronounced-or the way it transmits a universally recognizable idea: by a certain age, children can rarely stand to see the big kisses. Ideally, a shame is that there is a matter of delightful, shame in a summer camp where Leo and their friends are surrounded by immortal adults, they see those who see the honscious of the human beings like a man-oriented. Giring makes the lips of others shiny pink for smooch. And the nervous joking in the snout, the boy has trouble in covering her feelings for a girl named Lucy, which lightens her lips like a neon flamingo.
The last two shorts come up with a warning of a “guidance of parents”, as their stop-motion appears to a couple of characters without pants … although it sees unusually alert to the young audience to shelter the younger audience, which is comfortable as a puppet “nudity”? He said, 14 minutes of Nina Gantz “Wonder to WonderIn vintage TV shows like “Mr. Rogers Neberhood” and “Captain Kangaroo”, there are such a turn that children have three orphan mascot (six -inch actors, who, after Human Hists, “After all” Lords, “After Lord’s,” are making a case for all “after Lords. The disinterestedly seen in the “Sasquatch Sunset” brechtian extremities (color bleeds and some “videotapped” sequences reflected in retro touching lines such as the intervention lines applied to the sequences). Gets out and starts invading the Vermin Studio – an idea so interesting (yet hip), you want the academy to see Pratibha in Robin Komiser’s “great choice” seven years ago.
Nicholas Capense brings a more grounded, but still the real touch for her ether stop-motion “beautiful men“19 minutes of small poignantly, three Belgium brothers who had long, vibrant red hair once. Now in the middle age, they are all dirty, so trio travels to Istanbul for hair transplant – except that they accidentally made a reservation. A peculiar, separate feeling in the film, while performing his best for social distance and, underlines the feeling of eradication of each men’s own. Makes for a quite emotional journey.